Notes on the “Electronic Data Sheet” (EDS) Device Description File
The WAGO EtherNet/IP solution currently supports EDS files with the following sections ([Sections]) and the entries they contain (“Entry Keywords”):
- Revision
- VendCode
- VendName
- ProdType
- ProdCode
- MajRev
- MinRev
- ProdName
- Catalog
- IconContents
[Device Classification]
- ClassificationN
- ParamN
- EnumN
- GroupN
- AssemN
[Connection Manager]
- ConnectionN
Note: No other sections or entry keywords are supported. Note that no warning messages are displayed in e!COCKPIT for unsupported sections and entry keywords, and the EDS import is not cancelled.
Reasons for Cancellation of the EDS Import
Importing an EDS file is cancelled in the following cases:
- The EDS file has a syntax error
- Invalid data types are used in the EDS file
- The EDS file does not contain any sections
- The EDS file does not contain any of the three required sections ([File], [Device] and [Device Classification])
- The EDS file is not classified as EtherNet/IP
- During import, the system detects that an entry occurs multiple times per section
- During import, the system detects that an “AssemN” or a “ParamN” is used, but not defined at all
- During import, the system detects that a required field in the EDS file is empty and would lead to a malfunction in the configurator or the configuration that is to be created
- During import, the system detects that an invalid real time transfer format has been specified under the connection parameter of a connection
- During import, the system detects that another “AssemN” or a “Packed EPATH” is defined for the “Member Reference” in an assembly; these are currently not supported by the EtherNet/IP solution