
Addressing system code

Individual instance for a complete code, based on the selected addressing system.

Adressing System

General Identification System in Building Automation. Addressing systems are saved as .xml files and can be used in the WAGO Solution Builder and WAGO Solution Builder plug-in. The addressing system is also known as the plant identification system/plant identification code (AKS) or user addressing system/user addressing code (BAS) in some industries and countries. See also “Structure Definition”.

Application Instance

Individual instance of an application template. The instance parameters are populated with values are executable on a connected controller.

Application Template

Exported data packet from an IEC development environment (CODESYS or e!COCKPIT). The IEC development environment must be expanded with the WAGO Solution Builder Plug-in. The data packet contains a boot application, a fieldbus configuration, a description and, optionally, a functional data model. The packet can be imported to the WAGO Solution Builder.


Visualization element with combined functionality. This element is used in the WAGO Solution Builder. The arrangement and grouping of aspects can be configured in the graphical user interface.

Audit Trail

Change record: Enables or disables recording of activities in the solution.

BACnet/IP Broadcast Management Device

In BACnet, a BACnet/IP broadcast management device (BBMD) assumes the role of distributor of broadcast messages and is required when IP routers must be negotiated during communication.


See “BACnet/IP Broadcast Management Device“


See “WAGO Device Communication Service“


Single, uniquely defined element used in data modeling.


Global Variables List

IEC Development Environment

Development environment in which application templates for WAGO Solution Builder can be created. To create application templates in a development environment, the corresponding WAGO Solution Builder plug-in must be installed. The WAGO Solution Builder Plug-in is available for the CODESYS and e!COCKPIT IEC development environments.

IPK Package

An IPK package is a compilation of individual IPK files. IPK files (“Itsy Package File”) are small installation files. They are designed for distributing software and other utility programs over low-resource computers such as routers, multimedia receivers, set-top boxes, etc.


All actions to be performed by the WAGO Solution Builder with the interconnected devices are placed in one or multiple jobs. The jobs can be located in a queue and processed either in parallel or one after the other by the WAGO Device Communication Service, depending on their type and the application case. For example, a job can be a firmware update that is executed simultaneously on 100 controllers.

Parameter Set Object

As an extension of a formula definition, a “Parameter Set Object” describes the parameters of an application template that the user can configure individually for each application instance in WAGO Solution Builder.


See Parameter Set Object

sbicons file

Structured Solution Builder Icons file. The sbicons file is a container file. It contains a complete collection of all available icons, including the underlying structure.

sbsd file

Structured Solution Builder Structure Definition file. The sbsd file is a container file. In addition to the corresponding xml file the sbsd file also contains all the icons that are used. These types of files therefore map the complete structure of an existing addressing system. As a result, the addressing system can be imported in its full scope to a further WAGO Solution Builder.

sbxpart File

Structured “Solution Builder Part Export” file. The sbxpart file is a container file. In addition to a package info file, it contains all files necessary for importing a subtree. Only the selected elements and their child elements are viewed and exported.


Customer project for WAGO building automation. A solution can comprise technical equipment of a large customer, including all its buildings, or just one single building project.

Structure Definition

The functionality of the addressing system in the WAGO Solution Builder far exceeds a pure addressing key; it also allows standard tags to be defined and the setup of the parameter editor. That is why this is also referred to as the “structure definition” for a solution. See also Addressing System.


A tag is an identification of a database with stored information and meta-data.


Uniform Resource Identifier

WAGO BACnet Configurator

WAGO software for configuring the fieldbus on WAGO BACnet controllers.

WAGO DALI Configurator

WAGO software for configuring the fieldbus when using the WAGO DALI Multi-Master.

WAGO Device Communication Service

The WAGO Device Communication Service is an external interface for interconnected fieldbus controllers. The WAGO Device Communication Service is launched as a Windows service and executes individual job-based actions on the fieldbus controllers.

WAGO SMI Configurator

WAGO software for configuring the fieldbus when using the WAGO SMI Master.


See “WAGO BACnet Configurator“


See “WAGO DALI Configurator“


See “WAGO SMI Configurator“