Import product data from WAGO PARTcommunity

  1. Register for the first time on the website
  2. Enter the item number of the product you are looking for in the search bar or search for your product using the product fields.
  3. Product Search in WAGO PARTcommunity
  4. Select your product.
  5. Click [Generate CAD].
  6. Generate CAD
  7. A selection of EPLAN records appears.
  8. Record results
  9. Select the desired file formats and download them to any location.
  10. The path to the storage location must be specified in EPLAN for the data import in the next step.
  11. To import the data from your folder, switch to item management using the master data in the Administration section.
  12. Item Import via Master Data
  13. Select the file to be imported via [Extras].
  14. Select Records to Import in Item Management
  15. Make sure you select the storage folder you selected previously and the EDZ data format.
  16. Agree to import files and update your database.
  1. The imported item appears in the item manager.
Item Management with Imported Item
Item Management with Imported Item