Connecting a Controller (Master) to a Third-Party Device (Slave) without an EDS File
The basic procedure mostly corresponds to the description in Connecting a Controller (Master) to a Third-Party Device (Slave). The main difference is that in this case, there is no EDS file for integrating the device into the product catalog. For this reason, in this situation you can use a generic EtherNet/IP device from the product catalog, which you configure completely yourself.
Place Devices on the Communication View
- Select a controller from the product catalog and use the mouse to drag it into the Network view (communication view).
- Select the generic slave device (“Generic_EtherNet/IP_Adapter”) from the “Other Communication Devices” folder of the product catalog under “EtherNet/IP” > WAGO and use the mouse to drag it into the Network view.
Then proceed as described in Connecting a Controller (Master) to a Third-Party Device (Slave).
Note: Since no configuration data can be transferred from the EDS file in this case, you must make all configurations yourself. Please refer to the device properties in the product manual of your device.