Connecting a Controller (Master) to a Third-Party Device (Slave)

The basic procedure mostly corresponds to the description in Connecting a Controller (Master) to a WAGO Device (Slave). The main difference consists in importing an EDS file to incorporate the device into the product catalog.

Place Devices on the Communication View

  1. Select a controller from the product catalog and use the mouse to drag it into the Network view (communication view).
  2. To integrate third-party devices into the product catalog, first open the “Product Catalog” page of the Backstage view.
  3. Click the [Import device] button.
  4. Importing a Third-Party Device via EDS
  5. Select the EDS file for the device you want to import.
  6. Click [Open].
  7. Switch back to the Network view and to the “Product Catalog” panel.
  8. You can find the new device in the “Other Communication Devices” folder of the product catalog, under “EtherNet/IP” > <Manufacturer>.
    Note: If the import of the device was not successful, check on the “Updates & Add-ons” page of the Backstage view to see whether the “EtherNet/IP Importer” add-on required for the import is installed. If necessary, update e!COCKPIT. The importer is part of the e!COCKPIT installation.

Then proceed as described in Connecting a Controller (Master) to a WAGO Device (Slave).