External Editing of Options Tables or Tags

  1. Let's say you want to edit an options table externally in line with the Section 8 Options Table.
  2. Or, you wish to edit tags externally in line with the Section 8 “TAGS” Sub-Tab.
  1. Click .
  2. The corresponding options table or tags are then copied to the clipboard.
  3. Open the program in which you wish to make changes.
  4. You are then offered a spreadsheet program, such as Microsoft Excel. Individual entries can also be displayed here in a clearly laid-out manner and sorted as you wish.
  5. Click [CTRL]+[V].
  6. The corresponding options table or tags are then added to the program.
  7. Make your changes.
  8. Click [CTRL]+[A] and then [CTRL]+[C].
  9. The corresponding options table or tags are marked and copied.
  10. Go back to the WAGO Solution Builder.
  11. Click .
  12. The corresponding options table or tags are copied back to the table in the WAGO Solution Builder.