Installing WAGO Libraries separately
If you need libraries that are not included in a package, you can also load them individually later:
- On the “Tools” tab, click Library Repository ....
- Click [Install ...].
- Select the library.
- Click [Open].
- The library is installed.
Tip: If you want to use a library that you have already used in e!COCKPIT, for example, you can export the library from e!COCKPIT as follows: Open the library manager in e!COCKPIT. In the manager, right-click the desired library and select Export Library. This gives you a compiled library that you can use in CODESYS.
Note: If you use a licensed library, e.g. the library “WagoAppPowerPlantcontrol”, then you must use the latest version of these libraries. Older versions of licensed libraries from e!COCKPIT, which may be further used in a CODESYS project, can lead to errors when compiling the project (see also 8 Adding Missing Libraries and/or Library Licenses).