“Network“ Menu Item

The “Network“ menu item enables all procedures involving active access to the network, except for licensing.

The procedures with active access to the network include:

All of the controllers implemented in the solution are displayed in the device list. To synchronize a selected section of a building for example, a filter can be enabled in the entity tree for the section concerned.

Side Menu > “Network” Menu Item
Side Menu > “Network” Menu Item
Icon legend for “Network“ menu item




In operation

Indicates the “RUN” status of the controller application.


Indicates the “Stopped” status of the controller application.

Solution changed

Indicates that the controller configuration in the WAGO Solution Builder has a newer time stamp than the controller configuration in the device.

To activate the controller configuration from the WAGO Solution Builder synchronization toward the controller must performed.

Controller changed

Indicates that the controller configuration in the device has a newer time stamp than the controller configuration in the WAGO Solution Builder.

To apply the controller configuration in the WAGO Solution Builder synchronization toward the WAGO Solution Builder must be performed.

Solution and controller changed

Indicates that the time stamps for some of the components of the controller configuration in both the WAGO Solution Builder and on the device are more recent.

It is recommended to conduct a detailed synchronization in this case to achieve data parity. The user must define here in what direction which data records are to be synchronized.

You can find further information at 8 “Compile Configuration Values of Application Parameters“ Dialog.


Indicates that the data inventories in the WAGO Solution Builder and on the controller are synchronized.

Indicates that a WAGO controller without an application is in the network, which is viewed by the user WAGO Solution Builder as “permanently synchronous” and whose state cannot change.

Controller disconnected

Indicates that the controller is disconnected from the network and offline. There is no monitoring and therefore no status.

Controller not connected

Indicates that the controller is disconnected from the network. There is monitoring and thus a status.

Controller connected

Indicates that the controller is connected to the network and online. There is monitoring and thus a status.

Solution offline

Indicates that the solution is in the “Offline“ mode. The WAGO Device Communication Service is not available.

Use solution value for all parts and transfer to device

Indicates that the selected configuration will be transferred from the WAGO Solution Builder to the controller. The existing controller configuration is overwritten in this process.

Use device value for all parts and transfer to solution

Indicates that the selected configuration will be transferred from the controller to the WAGO Solution Builder. The existing WAGO Solution Builder configuration is overwritten in this process.

Open a dialog to transfer each parameter separately

Opens a dialog for selecting individual values to be transferred (synchronization).

You can find further information at 8 “Compile Configuration Values of Application Parameters“ Dialog.


General information about icons and messages in the side menu

More information about the meaning of icons and messages in the side menu is available at 8 Side menu open.


Visual representation of WAGO controllers without application!

The WAGO Solution Builder also supports WAGO controllers without application. These asynchronous controllers without a device model and Application template receive the gray symbol “synchronous” permanently in the overview because their state cannot change. This defined status serves to make these specific controllers visible and to distinguish them visually from other controllers!

“Online/Offline” Action: Full Selection

By default, the “Online/Offline” action is fully executed for all listed controllers. For example, all controllers receive the “Online” status with one mouse click and are connected to the network. Monitoring is started centrally for all controllers.

“Online/Offline” Action: Selective Selection

In certain situations, it may be necessary to monitor individual controllers separately. The individual controllers must be manually assigned their own status for this purpose. This operation is then executed separately from the full selection. This action can be executed as follows:

If multiple controllers with a different status are selected, the button shows the “Offline” status. The following applies: The button (“Online/Offline”) changes if one or more controllers with the identical status are selected.

“Get Status Once” Action

This action provides a snapshot of the current status. This snapshot can be read via the timestamp in the “Status received on” column.